Outcomes of Robotic Prostatectomy
What are YOUR results? This is the question that all men should ask their surgeon when considering treatment options for prostate cancer. In addition to A/Prof Daniel Moon’s presented and published outcomes, he also contributes to the Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry - Victoria, which can compare Victorian prostate cancer surgeons’ caseload and results.
The Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry has been independently collecting outcomes of men treated for prostate cancer since 2009. Over 44000 notifications of men with prostate cancer have now been collected and the analysis is ongoing. Through quarterly reports outcomes can be reported by surgeon for:
Positive margin rates ie has the cancer been completely removed? This is a marker of the quality of surgery performed, and should be kept as low as possible.
Urinary bother suffered by men at 12 and 24 months post-operatively
Sexual bother suffered by men at 12 and 24 months post-operatively
The graphs below are an example of a report on all patients with 12 month follow-up dated 31st March 2022, revealing the outcomes for all prostate cancer surgeons (the grey dots) contributing to this registry, with A/Prof Daniel Moon highlighted as a red square, and a black line representing the average result for Victorian patients in this study.
Cancer Control - organ confined disease
Cancer Control - intermediate risk disease
Cancer Control - high risk disease
Urinary and Sexual bother at 12 months